What is a WYWM Squad?

A WYWM Squad is a group of WYWM employees made up of Veterans, Spouses and other employees custom configured to a Customer's requirements. WYWM Squads are then deployed to the customer as part of a our Software As A Service (SAAS) product.

We are always training new Squads in all of our existing tech specialites and adding new training packages for new software and tech capabilities all the time.

What does a Squad do?

Squads are what building productive people looks like in action. Squads deliver the quickest validation and proof that effective training and WYWM vision works. They also contribute great career performance advice and lead in driving great employee outcomes as high value teams. Squads drive amazing talent mobility through successful teams. Squads are WYWM storytellers.

What does a Squad member do?

Squad members deliver performance of tasks to the client. Whether you have gained a certification for a job opportunity or you have upskilled an existing certification, you will be required to successfully deliver all job expectations client side.

What does a Squad Leader do?

Squad leaders focus on cohesiveness, engagement and client relationships. Squad leaders will also stay in tune with WYWM and be a direct line of communication for Squad members. Other responsibilities include client relations, administrative processes, career development and managing any WYWM/Client processes.