How do Squads work?

WithYouWithMe Squads are teams of Veterans and Military Spouses/Family members, alongside neurodiverse, and youths, among many other groups, who join us from all areas of military expertise, ranks and professional backgrounds. WYWM Squad roles can be either remote or in location. Squad roles do not necessarily require a Security Clearance, although many do.

We hire Squads with consideration to WYWM Aptitude testing. You do not need to have completed your courses to register an Expression of Interest for a Squad. The first 1-2 months of employment at WYWM in a Squad is entry level (crash course) training across various tech platforms & products. We pay you to learn. It's paid training with a full time job on the other side. When the initial training period is complete our Squad members are ready to deliver projects across key WYWM customers.

How is a Squad successful?

Squads help reduce risks by encouraging cross-functionality and communication to achieve success. The easy transfer of knowledge and skills within Squads allows them to adapt quickly to client needs and requirements.

How many people in a Squad?

There are between 3-10 Squad members initially in all Squads. This number can grow as Squads grow within the business.